Useful resource of policy-relevant documents: Ontario Health Systems Document Portal

The McMaster Health Forum recently announced the launch  of the Ontario Health Systems Document Portal, a continuously  updated repository of policy-relevant syntheses of research evidence about governance, financial and delivery arrangements within health systems, and about implementation strategies that can support change in health systems and address health system transformation in Ontario. It is housed within Health Systems Evidence, a portal is free to access, which provides "one-stop shopping" for documents usefult to health system policymakers and stakeholders in Ontario.

Users need to complete a one-time free registration here to access the database, Content is complementary and automatically available through the home page and advanced search page to all registered users accessing the portal from within the Province of Ontario. Users from outside Ontario need to click on "update my profile" at the top of the screen on the home page, and click the box for Ontario under "enable viewing of complementary content".

Examples of documents currently added include:

View the video tutorial to know more about searching the database.

How will Ontario’s new rules for generic drug costs affect us?

Effective July 1, 2010, the Ontario government has fixed the price of generic medicines at 25% of the price of the equivalent brand name drug. In addition, approximately $800 million a year currently paid by generic drug companies to pharmacies in rebates will be banned. As Ontario struggles to contain the costs of health care, it seems that arbitrary price controls are not the answer. The system needs a overhaul.