Sharp C. 2017. Feature Article:Algorithmic Surveillance and Surveillance of Algorithms. Part 1: The Problems. AIIP Connections, Volume 31, No. 1. March. Pages 15 - 17.
Sharp C. 2014. Book review. The Reluctant Entrepreneur by Mary Ellen Bates, in AIIP Connections, Volume 28, No. 3, September issue. Page 15.
Sharp C. 2014. Book review: Knowledge Management Practice in Organizations: The View from Inside ed. Ulla de Stricker, in AIIP Connections, Volume 28, March 2014. Page 14-15 (scroll to the bottom of the page for the link to the Review).
Sharp. C. 2013. Book review: The Accidental Law Librarian by Anthony Aycock, in AIIP Connections, Volume 27, No. 4, December, Pages 27-28.
Sharp. C. 2013. Book review: Global Mobile Applications and Innovations for the Worldwide Mobile Ecosystem. Eds. Peter A. Bruck & Madanmohan Rao, in AIIP Connections, Volume 27, No. 4, December. Pages 25-26.
Sharp C. 2013. Managing Your Digital Legacy: Will others be able to access your cloud-based files when you no longer can? Online Searcher Magazine. Volume 37, No. 6, November/December. Free html version (it runs over 2 pages, click on the linked number to access the next page). Supplement containing additional resources.
Sharp C. 2013. Feature Article: Two Libraries in India: How Things Have Changed! The Courier, Vol 50, No. 2, Winter issue.
Sharp C. 2013. Book Review: The Embedded Libararian, by David Shumaker, Connections, Vol. 27. No. 1. March 2013. p. 25.
Sharp C. 2012. Beyond Glamour: Information on the Makeup of Cosmetics and Beauty Care. Online. Vol 36, No. 6. November/December 2012
DeCaria JE, Sharp C, Petrella, RJ. 2012. Scoping review report: obesity in older adults. International Journal of Obesity. September, 36(9): 1141-50.
Sharp, C. Guest Editor. Adding Value: The Business of Information Professionals. Special Bulletin of the American Society for Information and Technology: Parts 1 & 2 - October/November 2010 Vol 37, No. 1 & 2. Part 3: February/March 2011 Vol 37, No. 3
Sharp, C. Conference Report: Advancing the Promise of eHealth Through Information Technology: The Second ICST Conference On Electronic Healthcare For The 21st Century, Istanbul, Turkey. Online. (March-April 2010). P. 34 – 39. Abstract.
Gwadry-Sridhar, F., Sharp, C., Cowan, D. IST Africa 2009. E-Health: Piloting an Interactive Web Portal to Educate Patients With Heart Failure – A Growing Global Problem. May. Published in Conference Proceedings.Abstract.
Sharp, C. Conference Report: I's to the Future. 2009. Online. Vol 3. No. 2 Mar/Apr. 2009. Page 22. Abstract
Sharp, C. Researching New Zealand on the Web: A Primer for Business Researchers. The Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research. Vol 10. April 2005. p 4-5.
Sharp, C. Workplace Health Promotion: global initiatives and internet resourcesfor setting up and evaluating workplace wellness programs. The Free Pint. No. 189, 25 August 2005. Feature article.
Sharp, C. Researching India on the Web: A Primer for Business Researchers. The Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research. Vol9, No. 5. May 2004. p.6
Sharp, C. International Travel Planning—The Web Makes it Easier. The Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research. Vol9, No. 3. March 2004.
Sharp, C. Keeping Up-To-Date with Developments in Global Equity Markets. The Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research. Vol9, No. 2. February 2004. pp 4-5.
Sharp, C. Book Review of The Enlarged European Union: A Statistical Handbook by Euromonitor. in Business Information Alert., Volume 15, No. 10, November/December 2003. P.9.
Hartford, K., Schrecker, T., Wiktorowicz, M., Hoch, J., Sharp, C. 2003. Four Decades Of Mental Health Policy In Ontario, Canada, Administration and Policy in Mental Health. Vol 31, No. 1. September 2003.
Sharp, C. International Broadcasting – Access To A Wealth Of Content. The Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research. Vol8, No. 7. July/August 2003. pp 4-5.
Sharp, C. Book Review of The Manager's Handbook to Preparing and Using Financial Reports by Joel G. Siegel, Jae K. Shim, Anique Ahmed Qureshi and Anthony Gambin. Business Information Alert. Vol. 15, No. 3. March 2003, p.8.
Sharp, C. Book Review: Research Methods for Business - A Skill Building Approach by Uma Sekaran. Free Pint Newsletter. No. 132. 6March 2003.
Sharp, C. Upheavals at Canadian National Newspapers: The Globe & Mail, and the National Post. The Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research. Vol7, No. 8. September 2002. pp 4-5.
Sharp, C. Conference Report: Information Highways 2002 Conference and Showcase – Canada’s Annual Event for the E-Content Community, March 2002, Toronto. Business Information Alert. Vol. 14. No. 7. July/August 2002. Page 11.
Sharp, C. StatCan from Statistics Canada. The Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research. Vol 7 No. 2. February 2002. p.6
Sharp, C. Strategis: Canada's Government Site for Business Information. The Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research. Vol 6, No. 9. October 2001. pp 4-5
Sharp, C. Electronic Health Information : A boon and a curse!. Free Pint Newsletter. No. 90. July 15, 2001.
Sharp, C. Conference Report: Information Highways 2001 Conference and Product Exhibition. Toronto Canada, March 26 - 27, 2001. Business Information Alert. Vol. 3. No. 4. April 2001.
Sharp, C. Health Care and Privacy. Connections. AIIP'sQuarterlyNewsletter, Winter 2000.
Sharp, C. Book Review: Law of the Supersearchers by T.R. Halvorson. Free Pint Newsletter. No. 54. January 20, 2000.
Sharp, C. About Nua: A discussion with Gerry McGovern, CEO Nua. Feature Article. Free Pint Newsletter. No. 46. 23 September 1999.
Sharp, C. Book Review: The Caring Economy, by Gerry McGovern. Free Pint Newsletter. No. 48. 21 October, 1999.
Sharp, C. Book Review: In the Company of Women by Katherine Gay. Women In Management Newsletter. Ed. Doreen Sanders. March 1999. Volume 9, Number 2.
Sharp, C. Changing Careers: Are Senior Canadian Women Managers Leaving the Workforce? Report to the Professional Women of London (PWL), London, Ontario. November 1998.
Sharp, C. Library Based Business Incubators. (with S. Guichelaar) Feliciter. October 1997. Volume 3. Number 10. p 22- 27.
Sharp, C. International Trade Indicators of Openness. Report to the U.S. Agency for International Development, (with Dr. H. Hazard) Washington, DC, February 1990.
Conference Presentations
deStricker, U., Smith. P., Sharp, C. Conference Presentation. It's Your Business: Entrepreneurial Librarianship. OLA Superconference. Toronto, Canada.January 29th - February 1, 2014. Email to get a copy of the presentation.
Sharp, C., Gwadry-Sridhar, F. Conference Presentation: Enabling Technology To Advance Health - Protecting Individual Rights-Are We Walking The Talk? (Powerpoint slides) at: e-health 2009. Second International ICST Conference on Electronic Healthcare for the 21st Century. 23-25 September 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. Paper published in Conference Proceedings.
Hartford K, Wiktorowicz M, Hoch J, & Sharp C. Annual Meeting of the Ontario Psychiatric Association 2001. Ontario mental health policy: Can hindsight provide light? Toronto: January 20.
Hartford K, Wiktorowicz M, Sharp C, & Hoch J. Qualitative Health Research Conference 2000. An analysis of mental health policy in Ontario since 1960. Banff: April 6-8.
Hartford K., Wiktorowicz M., Hoch J., Sharp C. 2000. Ontario Mental Health Policy: Can Hindsight Provide Light? Qualitative Health Research Conference. April 5 - 8, 2000. Banff.
Wiktorowicz M, Vingilis E, Hartford K, Deber R, Schrecker T, & Sharp C. Qualitative Health Research Conference 2000. Current Mental Health Restructuring: A Policy Directions Map. Banff: April 6-8.
Sharp, C., Sharp D. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2000. Career Choices of Senior Canadian Women Executives Administrative, July. Montreal, Quebec.
Sharp C. 1999. Get Smart! Economic Development, Libraries & Smart Communities 1999. CLA (Canadian Library Association) Conference Presentatio: Library BasedBusiness Incubators: A Model for Libraries to Promote Economic Development in Their Communities. Toronto:June 15 - 16, 1999.