The Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Scientific Writing
Authored by Leslie C. Perelman, Edward Barrett, and James Paradis, this electronic book is a pretty comprehensive style and grammar guide, and helpful reference for technical and scientific writing.
Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide
Logic models are very useful when planning a project. A logic model reduces complexity, gets all participants focussed on why the project is being undertaken, what is being proposed, and how the project will be executed. The Kellogg Foundation development guide is an excellent resource to help you think about ways to structure your logic model.
Peer-to-Peer Healthcare
This 2011 publication offers useful insights in reporting findings from the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project that examines the use of personal online networks in managing health. The report is based on a national telephone survey of 3,001 adults and on an analysis of data based on an online survey of 2,156 members of the National Organization of Rare Disorders, who wrote short essays about their use of the internet in caring for themselves or their loved ones.
Knowledge Brokering: Transferring knowledge to Action
Knowledge brokering is a developing concept in research translation. The findings of the Psychiatry Department of the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences from a recent research project offer insights into knowledge brokering as a way to improve knowledge to action in health care policy and practice. The components of the framework are presented visually with links down the right to the full report, and to specific components of objectives, method, findings and recommendations. Funding agencies and researchers will find useful guidance for improving dissemination and relevance of research.
New Thinking
This weekly newsletter, published since 1996 by Gerry McGovern (speaker, writer and consultant on web content management issues since 1994) focuses on best practice in managing customer-centric, task-focused websites that encourage knowledge production rather than information overload. The newsletter offers interesting insights and opinion on how we can create content that can be turned into knowledge by the people who read it.